Himalayan Salt Lamp Care Guide

Himalayan Salt Lamp Care Guide

Table of Contents

What to Avoid When Using a Himalayan Salt Lamp?
Every Himalayan Salt Lamp Owner Must Know
How To Clean Himalayan Salt Lamp?
What to Do if Your Himalayan Lamp Starts Flickering?
How to Replace a Himalayan Salt Lamp Bulb?

Himalayan salt lamps are not only beautiful and calming but they are also believed to have health benefits. To ensure your salt lamp lasts, it’s essential to care for it properly. Here are some tips on how to care for your Himalayan salt lamp:

  1. Place the lamp in a safe, dry location: Salt lamps are sensitive to moisture, so it’s essential to place them in an area that is away from sources of moisture, such as bathrooms and kitchens.
  2. Keep the lamp away from direct sunlight: Direct sunlight can cause the salt lamp to lose its colour and crack.
  3. Handle with care: Salt lamps are delicate and can easily be damaged. Handle with care and avoid dropping or knocking on the salt lamp.
  4. Clean the lamp regularly: Dust can accumulate on the salt lamp over time, affecting its appearance and the quality of the light it emits. Clean the lamp regularly with a soft, damp cloth to remove dust.
  5. Use a bulb with the correct wattage: Salt lamps require a low-wattage bulb to prevent overheating and damage. Use a bulb with a wattage of no more than 15 watts if you have less than 7kg Himalayan lamp.
  6. Replace the bulb when necessary: If the bulb in your salt lamp burns out, replace it with a new bulb of the same wattage.
  7. Store the lamp when not in use: If you’re not using your salt lamp, store it in a cool, dry place to prevent damage.

By following these simple steps, you can ensure that your Himalayan salt lamp continues to provide the health benefits and aesthetic appeal you desire.

What to Avoid When Using a Himalayan Salt Lamp?

We'll first go through certain things you absolutely should not do to get the most out of your lamp. Since salt lamps "suck in" moisture from the air, you should take a few precautions as a lamp owner. Here are certain things you should never do around salt lamps:

1. Avoid putting your salt lamp in high humidity areas such as the bathroom, the laundry room, the basement, the attic, or the kitchen. In such conditions, moisture will accumulate in your bulbs and drop. The lamp, its base, and the connectors for the cord and bulb will all be harmed as a result. In addition, the saltwater will essentially "leak" over the furniture's surface and leave a permanent stain. Additionally, avoid setting your salt lamp directly atop any electrical appliances. It is to prevent moisture from seeping into your gadgets and ruining them.

2. Do not use abrasive cleaners or harsh chemicals on the lamp, as they can damage the salt crystal and affect its colour.

3. Do not place the salt lamp in direct sunlight, which can cause it to fade and lose its pinkish hue.

4. Keep the lamp out of a high-traffic area where it may get knocked over, as salt lamps can be fragile and break easily.

5. Do not use water to clean your lamp. It won't break the light, but it isn't its intended purpose.

6. Avoid putting your lamp close to some loudspeakers because the strong vibrations could dislodge the bulb inside and blow a fuse. Or it can give the filament a good shake to make it join again.

READ HERE: 7 Reasons to Keep a Himalayan Salt Lamp Around

Every Himalayan Salt Lamp Owner Must Know

Since you know what to avoid, the following advice will focus on what you keep in mind. But first, here are three tried-and-true methods for getting the most out of your light bulb.

1. Get a dimmer cord.

If you're going to get a lamp, we advise going for one with a dimmer. It's convenient to have the light on at all times, and the fact that you can adjust the brightness to your liking is just a bonus. If you wanted to make it less noticeable, you could turn down the brightness all the way, but if you only had the option of turning it on or off, it would remain bright the whole time.

Moreover, a salt lamp with its light turned down is an excellent alternative to a bright overhead light. Dimmers are included as standard equipment with every one of our lamps.

2. Place tea lights around the base.

If you live in a humid area, you can also use four tea light candles to dry the lamp base. These will prevent the lamp base from getting cold and help evaporate any condensation. In addition to being functional, it's also aesthetically pleasing.

3. Use placemats under your lamps.

Make sure there's a pad or dish under the lamp. It will save your furnishings from being scratched. Second, it will soak up any condensation that could fall from your lamp.

How To Clean Himalayan Salt Lamp?

The salt lamp draws in polluted air, including bacteria and other allergies. In addition, the salt lamp retains any germs or residue from the water that evaporates owing to the heat of the bulb. 

It is why it's so essential to thoroughly clean your Himalayan salt lamp several times a week with a dry or slightly moist towel. Here are some instructions for cleaning your Himalayan salt lamp:

  1. Start by turning off the salt lamp and letting it drop to room temperature.
  2. To clean the lamp and get rid of dust and filth, use a damp but not dripping-wet microfiber cloth to wipe the surface.
  3. If you want to keep the lamp looking its best, use a lint-free cloth.
  4. After that, you can now switch on the light to evaporate the remaining moisture.

READ HERE: 10 Amazing Benefits of Himalayan Salt Lamps

What to Do if Your Himalayan Lamp Starts Flickering?

So you’ve got your new lamp, turned it on, and everything looks great, except, suddenly, it starts to flicker, and before you know it, the lamp completely turns off. It can happen for three reasons:

1. Check if the bulb is cracked

Check the bulb to see whether it has a smoky white film within, which indicates a crack in the bulb caused by the bulb striking the inside of the lamp during rigorous handling. To avoid this, ensure the lamp is turned off, and the bulb is not shaken by moving the lamp before turning it on again.

2. Check if the bulb is fused

It is possible to tell if a bulb has fused even if there is no white film inside by shaking it and listening for a ringing sound; if you hear a ringing sound, the filament has broken.

3. Check if the cord is damaged

Avoid leaving your salt lamp unattended for long periods since this can lead to condensation on the inside and a faulty cable if the water seeps into the globe holder. It can be verified by switching to a different bulb type or using a fresh bulb. You may need to replace the cord if that doesn't solve the problem.

How to Replace a Himalayan Salt Lamp Bulb?

Once it's been determined that a replacement bulb is required, the next question is naturally how to go about making that replacement. Intriguing thought! If your lamp is not lighting adequately, try these easy solutions:

  1. Get rid of the light and disconnect the cable. First and foremost, turn off the lamp and remove the plug from the wall outlet.
  2. Slowly and carefully remove the light bulb holder from the base of the lamp.
  3. It's important to use a replacement bulb with the same wattage while changing out the old one.

Larger wattage bulbs can overheat and damage smaller lamps. Therefore it's best to avoid using them in them. However, lower-wattage bulbs are acceptable when used in larger lights. Here are some tips when changing a bulb:

  1. Don't touch the fused bulb for at least 2 minutes after removing it from the socket.
  2. Once it has cooled down, the bulb can be removed and replaced.
  3. Once you've replaced the bulb in the lamp's globe holder, secure the cord using the base's safety clips.

The bulbs in salt lamps contribute to the lamp's overall quality and lifespan. If your lamp keeps blowing fuses or won't turn on with fresh bulbs, it's probably the cable.

Final Thoughts

But don't let all this information put you off; salt lamps are simple to care for and enjoyable to use. We want you to share your ideas, experiences with salt lamps, and any questions or comments below.

If you're looking for a Himalayan Salt Lamp or finding a replacement, you may find a selection of our best-selling lamps

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